Friday, November 14, 2008


See...the majority of the time it's just easier (and more profitable in corporate America) to feign ignorance or stupidity, but in this case .......

Kashkari as Paulson's 'chump'?

3:02 PM, November 14, 2008

Whatever Neel Kashkari is earning to head the Treasury’s financial-system bailout program, he surely must be thinking that it’s not enough.

At a hearing held by the House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee today, one congressman questioned whether Kashkari was Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson’s "chump."

Another congressman, firebrand Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), lambasted the Treasury for unilaterally deciding this week to junk its original rescue plan of buying bad mortgages from banks.

"Maybe this is some kind of game to some people in the administration," Kucinich lectured the 35-year-old Kashkari. "They're on their way out of office and they just feel they can do whatever they want."

Even a Republican, Darrell Issa of San Diego County, joined in. "I don't know whether to call this 'fire, ready, aim' or something more pejorative," he said of the rescue program's shift.

Kashkari repeated Paulson's assertion Thursday that the Bush administration's efforts had stabilized the banking system with the program's direct capital injections into banks and other financial firms. "Our system is stronger and more stable than just a few weeks ago," he said.

Bloomberg News has an entertaining read on the hearing, including the "chump" exchange, here.

Photo: Neel Kashkari is sworn in before his House testimony today. Credit: Brendan Smialowski / Getty Images

What's wrong with this story........and 99.9% of others on this situation?

Why would Kashkari believe that his pay isn't enough? Exactly what consequences did he face at that hearing? Being lambasted by a few blowhard congress(wo)men (save for Kucinich who is actually genuine)?

I'd think that laundering $300b through the banks more than makes up for answering some "tough" questions (with no real evidence presented of corruption..... which there is tons..of both corruption and evidence . Mistake????hmmm) from a few equally corrupt congressmen.

What did Kashkari have to lose at this hearing? What did he have to fear from this hearing?

In fact I'd venture to say that he actually enjoyed toying with the congressmen knowing full well that they CAN'T AND WON'T DO ANYTHING!!!

This article is what we call..........garbage. Garbage that serves a purpose though. That of implying to naive readers that this "hearing" actually mattered. That this hearing actually exposed the major laundering operation that took place with the first $300b+...........

..........Ultimately this article served to imply that these corrupt congressmen actually wanted to do something about it....The game needs to be played.

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